DMON SOC support

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ARM support

DMON v2 integrates the Segger J Link debug link and adds proof of concept support for a single ARM target - STM32L152VB. The Segger J Link supports a huge number of processors, see . DMON2 customers can request support for additional ARM devices.

The following command line options must be passed to DMON for this mode:

-arm Start DMON in ARM mode and load ARM specific commands
-segger Use Segger J-Link
-device STM32L152VB specify the device for Segger
-swd Use the Serial Wire Debug interface (SWD). If not specified then Segger will use JTAG to communicate with the target. The use of SWD is optional but recommended.

When DMON is started with the appropriate ARM switches information about the link discovered is displayed (as below).

The device configuration for the ARM target is read from an ARM CSMIS SVD file which describes the peripheral devices and their registers. In this version this SVD file is included as part of the built DMON and only this file is loaded and used. The output below shows device and peripheral information.


Name of the device                STM32L152VB
Core id of the device             0x4BA00477
CPU core                          CORTEX_M3
Device manufacturer               ST
Start address of flash area       0x08000000
Start address of RAM area         0x20000000
0=Little, 1=Big, 2=Both           0
Total flash size in bytes         132 KB
Total RAM size in bytes           16 KB
Flash regions :
  Start Address:                  0x08000000 
  Size:                           128 KB
  Start Address:                  0x08080000 
  Size:                           4 KB
RAM regions :
  Start Address :                 0x20000000 
  Size :                          16 KB

Target Voltage = 3.338 V

Connected with SWD

Identified ::: Cortex-M3 core
Target interface speed: 1000 kHz
Peripheral Devices:
C_ADC     Common ADC registers                                        N/A  
COMP      Comparators                                                 N/A  
CRC       CRC calculation unit                                        N/A  
DAC       Digital-to-analog converter                                 N/A  
DMA1      Direct memory access controller                             N/A  
EXTI      External interrupt/event controller                         N/A  
Flash     Flash                                                       N/A  
GPIOA     General-purpose I/Os                                        N/A  
GPIOB     General-purpose I/Os                                        N/A  
GPIOC     General-purpose I/Os                                        N/A  
GPIOD     General-purpose I/Os                                        N/A  
GPIOE     General-purpose I/Os                                        N/A  
GPIOH     General-purpose I/Os                                        N/A  
I2C1      Inter-integrated circuit                                    N/A  
I2C2      Inter-integrated circuit                                    N/A  
IWDG      Independent watchdog                                        N/A  
LCD       Liquid crystal display controller                           N/A  
PWR       Power control                                               N/A  
RCC       Reset and clock control                                     N/A  
RI        Routing interface                                           N/A  
RTC       Real-time clock                                             N/A  
SPI1      Serial peripheral interface                                 N/A  
SPI2      Serial peripheral interface                                 N/A  
SYSCFG    System configuration controller                             N/A  
TIM10     General-purpose timers                                      N/A  
TIM11     General-purpose timers                                      N/A  
TIM2      General-purpose timers                                      N/A  
TIM3      General-purpose timers                                      N/A  
TIM4      General-purpose timers                                      N/A  
TIM6      Basic timers                                                N/A  
TIM7      Basic timers                                                N/A  
TIM9      General-purpose timers                                      N/A  
USART1    Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter     N/A  
USART2    Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter     N/A  
USART3    Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter     N/A  
USB       Universal serial bus full-speed device interface            N/A  
USB_SRAM  Universal serial bus full-speed device interface            N/A  
WWDG      Window watchdog                                             N/A  
ADC       Analog-to-digital converter                                 N/A  
NVIC      Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller                        N/A  
DBG       Debug support                                               N/A  

The SVD is used create objects for each peripheral device, to build a layout diagram for the SoC with the same functionality as for SPARC devices, and a widget with a drop down list of the registers for each peripheral. There is also an object and widget for the CPU (see below).



On-chip IP blocks can be selected and their registers viewed and modified through the GUI.

ARM supported DMON commands

When in ARM mode the console supports the following commands:

Command Description
about display information about DMON version
breakh <addr|symbol> display breakpoints or add hardware breakpoint
breaks <addr|symbol> display or add software breakpoint
clear <num|address> delete all breakpoints or breakpoint at number or address
cls clear console
code <addr|PC> <length> <mode> Disassemble <length> instructions starting at <address> or current PC using <mode> (ARM or Thumb).Default mode is the currently set mode, this will normally correctly recognise whether the instruction is ARM or Thumb.
continue continue execution
datamon load [filename] load a DataSet from an xml file
datamon save [filename] save the current DataSet to an xml file
datamon start Validate the current DataSet if successful, start monitoring
datamon stop stop monitoring
datamon xsd [filename] save schema for DataSet to the specified file
devreg list available devices
devreg <name> display registers in <name>
devreg <name> <regname> display register detail for <regname> in <name>
devreg <name> <regname> <value> Write <value> to <regname> in <name>
devreg <name> list list register names in <name>
dmon Use only DMON commands. Ignored if already in DMON mode
echo [string] display string in the console (and log file if active)
examine [addr] <length> display memory
exec [command] execute shell command in OS
flash erase erase flash device
font show current font
font list list system fonts
font reset reset the font to the default
font set [value] set font
gb2312 Use GB2312 character set for displaying memory data
getb [address] <count> Returns a byte or array of <count> bytes in the command response (for scripting in Tcl)
getstate returns 1 if an application is running on the target, 0 otherwise. (for scripting in Tcl)
getw [address] <count> Returns a word or array of <count> words in the command response
halt stop program on board
help <command> display commands or command
info dev list devices available for info dev command
info dev <name> display information for device <name>
info sys display basic system information
log [file_name] open log file or create new and output some system information
loglevel [level] set internal logging to level. Possible levels [verbose|restore|info|warn|error]
logoff stop output to file
lookup [hex value] show the ELF symbol matching the hex address
lookup [symbol or expression] show the value of the symbol (internal or ELF)
pause -1 pause script until processor stops
pause [duration in ms] pause script until duration has elapsed or processor stops
precont [filename] append a script to the user scripts executed before continuing/stepping a program
precont insert [index] [filename] insert a script at [index] in the user scripts executed before continuing/stepping a program
precont list list the user scripts executed before continuing/stepping a program
precont remove [index|all] remove the script at [index] in the user scripts or all scripts executed before continuing/stepping a program
prerun [filename] append a script to the user scripts executed before starting a program
prerun insert [index] [filename] insert a script at [index] in the user scripts executed before starting a program
prerun list list the user scripts executed before starting a program
prerun remove [index|all] remove the script at [index] in the user scripts or all scripts executed before starting a program
printreg display system registers
python Interpret command input as Python commands. Ignored if in Python mode
quit exit DMON
reg show values for all available CPU registers
reg <name> show register named
reg <name> <value> write value to register named
reg show show available register names
run <pc> start the CPU from <pc>
runscript [filename] set the user script executed during program execution
runscript list list the user script executed during program execution
runscript remove clear the user script executed during program execution
save [addr] [addr] [file] <bin> dump target memory to file in srecord (or binary) format
script [file_name] execute a batch file of DMON commands
setv [label] [expression] Sets a DMON label to have a 64 bit integer value
shell In a startup script activate the language specified by command line option. Otherwise, display the langauge in use.
step <n> single step one or <n> times
stop Invoked on CTRL-C. Abort DMON command,stop program on board
symbols <file> show/load symbols
tcl Interpret command input as Tcl commands. Ignored if in Tcl mode
utf8 Use UTF-8 character set for displaying memory and UART data
watch <addr|symbol> display all breakpoint or add data watchpoint on read or write
watchr <addr|symbol> display all breakpoint or add data watchpoint on read
watchw <addr|symbol> display all breakpoint or add data watchpoint on write
write [addr] [data] <number words> write one word of data to "number words" starting from addr

ARM specific commands

The devreg commands are specific to ARM peripherals, and display or modify the registers in a specified peripheral:

DMON > devreg

Available devices:
ADC            COMP           CRC            C_ADC          
DAC            DBG            DMA1           EXTI           
FLASH          GPIOA          GPIOB          GPIOC          
GPIOD          GPIOE          GPIOH          I2C1           
I2C2           IWDG           LCD            NVIC           
PWR            RCC            RI             RTC            
SPI1           SPI2           SYSCFG         TIM10          
TIM11          TIM2           TIM3           TIM4           
TIM6           TIM7           TIM9           USART1         
USART2         USART3         USB            USB_SRAM       

DMON > devreg gpioe

 0x40021000   GPIO port mode (MODER)                   0x00500000 
 0x40021004   GPIO port output type (OTYPER)           0x00000000 
 0x40021008   GPIO port output speed (OSPEEDER)        0x00f00000 
 0x4002100c   GPIO port pull-up/pull-down (PUPDR)      0x00000000 
 0x40021010   GPIO port input data (IDR)               0x00001000 
 0x40021014   GPIO port output data (ODR)              0x00000000 
 0x40021018   GPIO port bit set/reset (BSRR)           0x00000000 
 0x4002101c   GPIO port configuration lock (LCKR)      0x00000000 
 0x40021020   AFRL (AFRL)                              0x00000000 
 0x40021024   GPIO alternate function high (AFRH)      0x00000000 

DMON > devreg gpioe odr 0xffffffff

Wrote value 0xffffffff to odr

DMON > devreg gpioe

 0x40021000   GPIO port mode (MODER)                   0x00500000 
 0x40021004   GPIO port output type (OTYPER)           0x00000000 
 0x40021008   GPIO port output speed (OSPEEDER)        0x00f00000 
 0x4002100c   GPIO port pull-up/pull-down (PUPDR)      0x00000000 
 0x40021010   GPIO port input data (IDR)               0x00001c00 
 0x40021014   GPIO port output data (ODR)              0x0000ffff 
 0x40021018   GPIO port bit set/reset (BSRR)           0x00000000 
 0x4002101c   GPIO port configuration lock (LCKR)      0x00000000 
 0x40021020   AFRL (AFRL)                              0x00000000 
 0x40021024   GPIO alternate function high (AFRH)      0x00000000


AGGA-4 Support

AGGA-4 hardware

The AGGA-4 (Advanced GPS/GALILEO ASIC) is a radiation tolerant GNSS baseband ASIC capable of processing the modernized GPS and Galileo Signals. Due to its flexibility it is also able to process not only GPS and Galileo but also other GNSS systems like Glonass, Compass, etc. AGGA-4 also incorporates the processor, the communication interfaces and other support functions (e.g. FFT, CRC) inside the ASIC which simplifies the GNSS receiver board design.

The functional blocks are shown in the diagram below.


The GNSS Core (shown below) consists of 4 Input Modules (IM), one Power Level Detector (PLD) Module, two Beam Forming (DBF) Modules, a Time Base Generator (TBG), an Antenna Switch Controller (ASC) and 36 channels.


DMON supports the functional blocks on the AGGA-4 and the specific features below:

  1. System Visualisation
    1. Devices present and their state
    2. Register details/modify
  2. GNSS
    1. Configuration Blocks Display and Modify
    2. Interrupt Configuration
    3. Power Level
  3. Channel Configurations
    1. Overall display
    2. Set, Copy, Modify, Save and Load
    3. Dump observables to file
  4. FFT
  5. CRC

See below some example screenshots from the tool.

Main AGGA4 console

GNSS on AGGA4 has a lot of Configuration Registers. DMON identifies GNSS as AGGA4_GNSS_FE/CHS dummy device and logically AGGA4_GNSS_FR_END device (IM0, IM1, IM2, IM3 and PLD) and AGGA4_GNSS_CHS device (Channel Matrix, IC, Channels).


Power Level Detector window


Power Level Detector chart

DMON reads PLD Accumulation Registers and Displays as Bar Chart


Channel Matrix Window


Input Module window


Channel Control window


Channel Final Down Converter window


Channel Code Delay Line Unit window


Channel Code Generator Unit window


Channel Correlator Unit window


Channel Aiding Unit window


Channel GNSS DMA window


Channel Status window



The sections below describe the AGGA-4 commands. The table below is a summary of these commands.

Command Description
gnss copy <nomem>[ch[#][n]/all] copy config from ch# to other space separated channels/all if <nomem> used the RAM code not copied
gnss [save/load] ch# file Save/load Channel Configurations to File as xml
gnss dump [start/stop] ch# file Start/Stop dumping of Channel Observables to File
gnss dump reset ch# Reset dumping of Channel Observables to initial state
gnss printreg ch [#] [RegName] Display Registers/Register for GNSS Channel [number]
gnss printreg cm [RegName] Display Registers/Register for GNSS Channel Matrix
gnss printreg ic [RegName] Display Registers/Register for GNSS Interrupt Controller
gnss printreg im [#][RegName] Display Registers/Register for GNSS Input Module
gnss printreg pld [RegName] Display Registers/Register for GNSS POWER LEVEL DETECTOR
gnss setreg ch [#] [RegName/FieldName][val] Set Register/Bitfield for GNSS Channel [number]
gnss setreg cm [RegName/FieldName][val] Set Register/Bitfield for GNSS Channel Matrix
gnss setreg ic [RegName/FieldName][val] Set Register/Bitfield for GNSS Interrupt Controller
gnss setreg im [#][RegName/FieldName][val] Set Register/Bitfield for GNSS Input Module
gnss setreg pld [RegName/FieldName][val] Set Register/Bitfield for GNSS PLD
gnss slave [ch[#] ch[n]/all] Slave channel/channels from to/all to previous Channel
fft <display> Periodically checks FFT_Done bit and display results, <display> opens up graph panel
fft [file in] <optional> Processes input file in pairs of 128, if output file is omitted then results will be stored .out.csv added to end of [file in]. Possible optional arguments are <file out> <nohex,onlyhex>
fft stop Stops periodically polling
crc alias [name][poly][init] <opt> Creates new alias, option arguments are <xor> <revdata> <revrslt>
crc alias display Display list of aliases in current DMON session
crc calculate [bin] <addr> Calculates crc of bin file, addr argument sets starting address for file
crc calculate [elffile] <sections> Calculates crc of elf file, section argument allows calculation only on that section
crc calculate [srec] Calculates crc of srec file
crc calculate [start][end]<init> Calculates crc of a range of address, if init value is specified then that value will be written to CRCLFSR register before beginning.
crc init [alias] Initialises CRC device with values in alias
crc init [ploy][init] <opt> Initialises CRC device, optional arguments are <xor> <revdata> <revrslt>
reset <software/gnss> Reset system software or gnss software
reset set <key> <value> set the reset key <swen, swex, gnssen, gnssex> with value
spwdebug <IP/port> <port> Change debug link to SpaceWire port

GNSS commands

DMON > gnss copy nomem ch0 ch1
Configurations from Channel 0 were copied to Channel 1 without RAM DATA
DMON > gnss copy ch0 ch1 ch2
Configurations from Channel 0 were copied to Channel 1 
Configurations from Channel 0 were copied to Channel 2

Or Alternatively Copy Dialog Window can be used


The user can select Channel, Configuration Registers and Values for exporting to xml file. This file can be loaded later for the same Channel or any other.

DMON > gnss save ch0 MyFile.xml
Currently processing XML, please wait
Successfully save configuration to C:\Projects\OCE\trunk\dmon_product\com.oce.dmon\MyFile.xml
DMON > gnss load ch0 MyFile.xml
Processing XML
Initialising Registers
Successfully initialised registers

Dialog to Save Channel configurations to xml file below.


Dialog to Save GNSS to xml file below.


Dialog to Save AGGA4 specific registers to xml file below.


Dialog to select xml configuration file to be imported below.


DMON > gnss printreg ch 0
 0xa0000000   channelctrl                              0x00000000 
 0xa0000004   carrswfreq                               0x00000000 
 0xa0000008   carrswshift                              0x00000000 
 0xa000000c   codeswfreq            ….
DMON > gnss printreg ch 0 channelctrl
GNSS Channel #0 Reg :: channelctrl =  0x00000000
Register Contents                       : 0x00000000
[ 0, 4]:InputSel                              : first bypass of DBF0 (IM 0) 
   [ 5]:CarrSel                                : Local
   [ 6]:CodeSel                                : Local
   [ 7]:IntEpochSel                         : Local
   [ 8]:TimeBaseSel                        : Local

DMON > gnss printreg cm
 0xa0240000   chactivation0                            0x00000001 
 0xa0240004   chactivation1                            0x00000000 
 0xa0240008   dbfinputsel                              0x00000000 
 0xa024000c   epochclkdiv       …
DMON > gnss printreg cm  chactivation0

GNSS Channel Matrix Reg :: chactivation0 =  0x00000001
Register Contents                       : 0x00000001
   [ 0]:Channel_0                              : enabled
   [ 1]:Channel_1                              : disabled
   [ 2]:Channel_2                              : disabled
   [ 3]:Channel_3                              : disabled
   [ 4]:Channel_4                              : disabled
   [ 5]:Channel_5                              : disabled
   [ 6]:Channel_6   ….
DMON > gnss printreg ic 

AGGA4 GNSS Interrupt Controller Registers :
 0xa02c0000   gic_mask0                            0x00000000 
 0xa02c0004   gic_mask1                            0x00000000 
 0xa02c0008   gic_prio0                            0x00000001 
 0xa02c000c   gic_prio1                            0x00000000 
 0xa02c0010   gic_pend0                            0x00000000 
 0xa02c0014   gic_pend1                            0x00000070 
 0xa02c0018   gic_clear0                           0x00000000 
 0xa02c001c   gic_clear1                           0x00000000 
 0xa02c0020   gic_queuelow                         0x0000003f 
 0xa02c0024   gic_queuehigh                        0x0000003f 
 0xa02c0028   gic_queuestatus                      0x00000000
DMON > gnss printreg ic  gic_mask0

GNSS Interrupt Controller Reg :: gic_mask0 =  0x00000000
Register Contents                       : 0x00000000
   [ 0]:Channel_0                              : Pending Register
   [ 1]:Channel_1                              : Pending Register
   [ 2]:Channel_2                              : Pending Register
   [ 3]:Channel_3                              : Pending Register
   [ 4]:Channel_4                              : Pending Register
   [ 5]:Channel_5    …
DMON > gnss printreg im 0

AGGA4 GNSS Input Module_0 Registers :
 0xa0250000   inputmodulectrl                          0x00000000 
 0xa0250004   ddcmainphaseinc                          0x00000000 
 0xa0250008   ddcmainfirquantthres                     0x00000000 
 0xa025000c   ddcauxphaseinc                           0x00000000 
 0xa0250010   ddcauxfirquantthres                      0x00000000 
 0xa0250014   dacontrolbitfielddefaultr                0x00000000
DMON > gnss printreg im 0  inputmodulectrl 

GNSS Input Module #0 Reg :: inputmodulectrl =  0x00000000
Register Contents                       : 0x00000000
[ 0, 1]:Mode                                   : Input Format Converter Mode (IFC)
[ 2, 3]:IFCFormat                              : Sign/Magnitude
   [ 4]:DDCMainInSel                           : local
   [ 5]:DDCAuxInSel                            : local  

DMON > gnss printreg pld

 0xa02b0000   pld5iinputsel                            0x00000000 
 0xa02b0004   pld5ictrl                                0x00000000 
 0xa02b0008   pldiqinputsel                            0x00000000 
 0xa02b000c   pldiqpreaccctrl                          0x00000000 
 0xa02b0010   pldiqctrl                                0x00000000 
 0xa02b0014   acc5iplusseven                           0x00000000 
 0xa02b0018   acc5iplusfive                            0x00000000 
 0xa02b001c   acc5iplusthree      …
DMON > gnss printreg pld pld5ictrl 
GNSS Power Level Detector Reg :: pld5ictrl =  0x00000000
Register Contents                       : 0x00000000
[ 0,23]:AccTime                                : 0
   [24]:SelectTrigger                          : latched after AccTime Samples  
DMON > gnss setreg cm chactivation0 0xffffffff

Value for Register chactivation0 set to 0xFFFFFFFF
DMON > gnss setreg cm chactivation0 Channel_0  0x0

Value for Register chactivation0 set to 0xFFFFFFFE 
DMON > gnss slave ch1 

Channel 1 was set as Slave

FFT commands

Creating FFT Task through the gui, start by clicking on the menu Tasks>>Configure Tasks.


Find FFT and click create task.


If you don’t enter an output file, then an output file will be generated in the input file directory with the same filename but suffixed with .csv.


The output type can be changed to have all (which includes the hex and float values) or just hex or float. All is set by default.


When the job is running, it will be located in the overview window, when it is done, it will be moved to the history tab. You will be able to see the time it took for the task to run as well as the result. You can click on the log icon to open the log window or alternatively clicking on the x icon deletes the task from history.


Here is the results from the FFT task, as you can see a csv suffix was added to the output file. As well as the results being displayed in the Inphase and Quad phase Panels you will also notice log information for this task.


You can also view the fft information via a line or bar graph by issuing the fft display command.



fft <display> Periodically checks FFT_Done bit and display results, <display> opens up graph panel

DMON  > fft

Waiting for Done bit to be set

fft [file in] <optional> Processes input file in pairs of 128, if output file is omitted then results will be stored .out.csv added to end of [file in]. Possible optional arguments are <file out> <nohex|onlyhex>

DMON > fft C: /newline_sep_data_full.txt    C: /newline_data_full_output.txt

Starting batch processing for FFT
Finished processing Batch Number: 1
Finished processing input file\s
DMON > fft C: /newline_sep_data_full.txt    C: /newline_data_full_output.txt onlyhex
Starting batch processing for FFT
Finished processing Batch Number: 1
Finished processing input file\s
DMON > fft C: /newline_sep_data_full.txt    C: /newline_data_full_output.txt nohex
Starting batch processing for FFT
Finished processing Batch Number: 1
Finished processing input file\s
DMON > fft C: /newline_sep_data_fIll.txt    C: /newline_data_fill_output.txt
Starting batch processing for FFT
Finished processing Batch Number: 1
Finished processing Batch Number: 2
Finished processing input file\s

fft stop Stops periodically polling

DMON > fft stop
Stopped FFT batch processing

CRC commands

You can create a CRC task by clicking on CRC in the dropdown menu and clicking create task. Here you will be able to set the different properties to be used for generating the CRC.



The results window shows what properties you used to generate the CRC as well as the result and log of the crc task.



crc alias [name][poly][init] <opt> Creates new alias, option arguments are <xor> <revdata> <revrslt>

DMON > crc alias myAlias 0x3 0x4 0x5 1 1
Successfully added myAlias alias

crc alias display Display list of aliases in current DMON session

DMON > crc alias display
Name	Polynum		Init		FinalXOR	RevIn	RevRes
crc16	0x0000A001	0x00000000	0x00000000	true	true
ccitt	0x00008408	0x0000FFFF	0x00000000	false	false
crc32	0xEDB88320	0xFFFFFFFF	0xFFFFFFFF	true	true
myAlias	0x00000003	0x00000004	0x00000005	true	true

crc calculate [bin] <addr> Calculates crc of bin file, addr argument sets starting address for file

DMON > crc calculate C: /binaryfileAGGA4.bin 0x40000024
Binary File 
Loading file from address: 0x40000024 
Wrote bytes        0%
Entry point: 0x40000024

There are no Sections in this file. Calculating CRC for Loaded file 

Starting CRC Polling
CRC Polling complete
Checksum is  : 0xDCC7C62F

GR716 Support

GR716 Microcontroller

DMON supports the GR716 microcontroller from Cobham-Gaisler. This microcontroller features a fault-tolerant LEON3 SPARC V8 processor, communication interfaces and on-chip ADC, DAC, Power-on-Reset, Oscillator, Brown-out detection, LVDS transceivers, regulators to support for single 3.3V supply, ideally suited for space and other high-rel applications. A block diagram of the GR716 is shown below. DMON provides support for all the functional units on the microcontroller. The sections below provide more information on DMON support for some specific functional units of the microcontroller.


Credit: GR716 User Manual Version 1.26

Startup Options

The table below shows GR716 startup options.

Command Description
-iomx set [configName configName ...] Set IOMX configurations for Device or Array of Devices (see IO switch matrix section below)
-grcg or grcg_(index) [enable|disable][all|bit..bitN] Enable|Disable all, single bit or array of bits for GRCLKGATE_(DeviceIndex) (see clock gating section below)

Typical startup options used with the GR716 Mini development board are

-baud 230400
-iomx set mem_gr716_mini_cfg0
-grcg enable 0x4 16

Layout window

DMON represents the GR716 SOC in the layout below. By clicking on a functional block it's IP and register definitions are displayed in separate windows.


REX support

DMON supports the 16 bit REX instruction set.

Main View

DMON Functions View of loaded image (REX functions are marked with (REX))

Image Functions View

Instruction Trace Information

DMON > inst 40

Rex    Time      Address   Instruction                                    Result 
R   00000008763  3100A170  ld [%i2 + 0x8], %l6 (rld [%i2 + 0x8], %l6)     [0000000C]
R   00000008765  3100A174  sub %l6, %i0, %l6 (rsub %i0, %l6)              [00000000]
R   00000008766  3100A176  cmp %l6, 0x0 (rcmp %l6, 0x0)                   [00000000]
R   00000008767  3100A178  add %i5, %i0, %i5 (radd %i0, %i5)              [3000005A]
R   00000008768  3100A17A  sub %i4, %i0, %i4 (rsub %i0, %i4)              [00000000]
R   00000008770  3100A17C  st %l6, [%i2 + 0x8] (rst %l6, [%i2 + 0x8])     [3000FEB0][00000000]
R   00000008771  3100A180  bne TestContinue_REX_0x31:__sfvwrite_r + 0x238 (rbne 0xffffff32)  [00000000]
R   00000008772  3100A182  add %g0, 0x0, %i0 (rset5 0x0, %i0)             [00000000]
R   00000008773  3100A184  ret (rretrest)                                 [3100A181]
R   00000008774  3100A184  restore %i7, 0x8, %g0 (rretrest)               [31007E07]
R   00000008777  31007E06  add %g0, %o0, %i0 (rmov %o0, %i0)              [00000000]
R   00000008778  31007E08  ba TestContinue_REX_0x31:__sprint_r + 0x74 (rba 0x48)  [00000000]
R   00000008781  31007E50  st %i4, [%i2 + 0x8] (rst %i4, [%i2 + 0x8])     [3000FEB0][00000000]
R   00000008783  31007E54  st %i4, [%i2 + 0x4] (rst %i4, [%i2 + 0x4])     [3000FEAC][00000000]
R   00000008784  31007E58  ret (rretrest)                                 [31007E55]
R   00000008785  31007E58  restore %i7, 0x8, %g0 (rretrest)               [310042AB]
R   00000008788  310042AA  cmp %o0, 0x0 (rcmp %o0, 0x0)                   [00000000]
R   00000008791  310042AC  bne TestContinue_REX_0x31:_vfprintf_r + 0x29d0 (rbne 0x10)  [00000000]
R   00000008792  310042AE  add %g0, 0x0, %i0 (rset5 0x0, %i0)             [00000000]
R   00000008793  310042B0  add %g0, 0xffffff24, %i2 (rset21 0xffffff24, %i2)  [FFFFFF24]
R   00000008794  310042B4  ld [%fp + %i2], %i1 (rld [%fp + %i2], %i1)     [3000FEAC]
R   00000008797  310042B8  st %i0, [%i1 + 0x0] (rst %i0, [%i1])           [3000FEAC][00000000]
R   00000008798  310042BC  add %g0, 0xfffffef8, %i0 (rset21 0xfffffef8, %i0)  [FFFFFEF8]
R   00000008800  310042C0  ldd [%fp + %i0], %i4 (rldd [%fp + %i0], %i4)   [3000FED4][0000000C]
R   00000008801  310042C4  ba TestContinue_REX_0x31:_vfprintf_r + 0x2a24 (rba 0x4e)  [00000000]
R   00000008804  31004312  ldub [%l6 + 0xd], %i0 (rldub [%l6 + 0xd], %i0)  [00000089]
R   00000008805  31004316  mov 0x40, %i1 (rone 0x6, %i1)                  [00000040]
R   00000008806  31004318  and %i1, %i0, %i1 (rand %i0, %i1)              [00000000]
R   00000008807  3100431A  cmp %i1, 0x0 (rcmp %i1, 0x0)                   [00000000]
R   00000008810  3100431C  bne TestContinue_REX_0x31:_vfprintf_r + 0x2a34 (rbne 0x6)  [00000000]
R   00000008811  3100431E  add %g0, %i5, %i0 (rmov %i5, %i0)              [0000000C]
R   00000008812  31004320  ret (rretrest)                                 [3100431D]
R   00000008813  31004320  restore %i7, 0x8, %g0 (rretrest)               [310018D1]
R   00000008816  310018D0  add %g0, %o0, %i0 (rmov %o0, %i0)              [0000000C]
R   00000008817  310018D2  ret (rretrest)                                 [310018CF]
R   00000008818  310018D2  restore %i7, 0x8, %g0 (rretrest)               [310012D1]
R   00000008822  310012D0  st %o0, [%fp - 0xc] (rst %o0, [%fp - 12])      [3000FF94][0000000C]
R   00000008823  310012D4  call TestContinue_REX_0x31:secondHello (call TestContinue_REX_0x31:secondHello)  [310012D1]
    00000008825  31001278  saverex %sp, %i0, %sp                          [3000FED0]
R   00000008826  3100127C  ta 0x1 (rset32 TestContinue_REX_0x31:watchData, %i0)  [TRAPPED ]

REX Dissembled Instructions

DMON > coderex secondHello

Address         hex               dis
0x31001278      9DE39F98          saverex %sp, %i0, %sp
0x3100127c      A3E830000C7C      rset32	TestContinue_REX_0x31:watchData, %i0
0x31001282      87EA30000C7C      rld32	[TestContinue_REX_0x31:watchData], %o1
0x31001288      83E830000004      rset32	0x30000004, %o0
0x3100128e      E0EE887C          rst %i0, [%fp - 4]
0x31001292      40000181          call TestContinue_REX_0x31:printf
0x31001296      A23F              rset5	0xffffffff, %i0
0x31001298      C4EE807C          rld [%fp - 4], %o1
0x3100129c      E101              rst	%i0, [%o1]
0x3100129e      87E830000028      rset32	0x30000028, %o1
0x310012a4      C0EE8878          rst %o0, [%fp - 8]
0x310012a8      8101              rmov	%o1, %o0
0x310012aa      8508              rmov	%i0, %o1
0x310012ac      4000017A          call TestContinue_REX_0x31:printf
0x310012b0      C0EE8874          rst %o0, [%fp - 12]
0x310012b4      83C0              rretrest
0x310012b6      00009DE3          unimp	0x9de3
0x310012b8      9DE39F98          saverex %sp, %i0, %sp
0x310012bc      A220              rset5	0x0, %i0
0x310012be      E0EE887C          rst %i0, [%fp - 4]
0x310012c2      83E83000004E      rset32	0x3000004E, %o0
0x310012c8      E0EE8878          rst %i0, [%fp - 8]
0x310012cc      40000172          call TestContinue_REX_0x31:printf
0x310012d0      C0EE8874          rst %o0, [%fp - 12]
0x310012d4      7FFFFFE9          call TestContinue_REX_0x31:secondHello
0x310012d8      E0EE8078          rld [%fp - 8], %i0
0x310012dc      83C0              rretrest

The table below shows GR716 REX commands:

Command Description
rex [en|ill|tr]<cpuID> Sets the REX mode(enable|illegal|transparent) for active cpu or cpuID if provided
coderex [addr]<length> <force> Disassemble REX instructions in memory. DMON will detect if address is in REX block and disassemble as REX. Force switch will bypass detection and disassemble as REX instruction
breakrexs [addr]<cpuID> Force to set REX Software break point. breaks command will scan if address is in REX block and set REX software break point

DMA Controller

The GR716 microcontroller have 4 separate DMA controller with internal AHB/APB bridge units (GRDMAC). The GRDMAC units described in this section provides a flexible direct memory access controller. The core can perform burst transfers of data between AHB and APB peripherals at aligned or unaligned memory addresses.

One DMA channel per DMA controller is supported. The channel can be configured flexibly by means of two descriptor chains residing in main memory: a Memory to Buffer (M2B) chain and a Buffer to Memory (B2M) chain. Each chain is composed of a linked list of descriptors, where each descriptor specifies an AHB address and the size of the data to read/write, supporting a scatter/gather behavior.

DMON provides a number of specific tabs to allow the user to configure the GRDMAC registers, test DMA transfers, and load/save such test configurations. It is assumed that the user is familiar with the GRDMAC hardware.


GRDMAC status window


GRDMAC configuration window


GRDMAC descriptor configuration


GRDMAC waiting for trigger condition


GRDMAC and Descriptors status after trigger


Available commands for GRDMAC:

Command Description
grdmac_[devID] b2m add [data|cond|econd] ch[N][addr] Create B2M data|conditional|extended conditional descriptors at address for Channel
grdmac_[devID] b2m remove [data|cond|econd] ch[N] [addr] Remove B2M descriptor at address for Channel
grdmac_[devID] core [en|dis] Enable(Run) or Disable(Stop) GRDMAC Core
grdmac_[devID] core reset Reset GRDMAC Core to default values
grdmac_[devID] ctrl ie [en|dis] Global Interrupt Enable or Disable
grdmac_[devID] ctrl iee [en|dis] Interrupt Enable or Disable for Errors
grdmac_[devID] ctrl me [en|dis] Extended Mode Enable or Disable
grdmac_[devID] ctrl ns [en|dis] No Starve Mode Enable or Disable
grdmac_[devID] ctrl sm [en|dis] Simplified mode Enable or Disable
grdmac_[devID] ctrl te [en|dis] Timer Enable or Disable
grdmac_[devID] ech [en|dis][all|ch# ch#+1] Set Channel/Channels/All Channels Enabled/Disabled
grdmac_[devID] ech [en|dis][ch#-ch#+n] Set Channel Enabled or Disabled for Range of Channels
grdmac_[devID] eirq [en|dis] Set Interrupt enable for Errors (IEE)
grdmac_[devID] error reset Reset Error Register
grdmac_[devID] irq [en|dis] Set GRDMAC Global Interrupt Enable or Disable (IE)
grdmac_[devID] irq [en|dis][all|ch# ch#+1] Set Interrupt Mask for Channel/Channels/All Channels and Enable Global IRQ
grdmac_[devID] irq [en|dis][ch#-ch#+n] Set Interrupt Mask for Range of Channels and Enable Global IRQ
grdmac_[devID] irq reset Reset Interrupt Flag Register for all channels
grdmac_[devID] load [file] Load GRDMAC configurations from XML file
grdmac_[devID] m2b add [data|cond|econd] ch[N] [addr] Create M2B data|conditional|extended conditional descriptors at address for Channel
grdmac_[devID] m2b remove [data|cond|econd] ch[N] [addr] Remove M2B descriptor at address for Channel
grdmac_[devID] save [file] Save GRDMAC configuration to XML file
grdmac_[devID] sbufdata Display Internal Buffer Readout Area
grdmac_[devID] scan Scan M2B and B2M descriptor linked lists using Channel Vector Pointer
grdmac_[devID] sdata [addr] Print DMA data after successful B2M Descriptor at address
grdmac_[devID] set cvp [value] Set Channel Vector Pointer (CVP)
grdmac_[devID] set trv [value] Set Timer Reset Value (TIMER_RST)
grdmac_[devID] status [offset] Display GRDMAC core status of All registers or at offset (i.e.0x04) to the screen
grdmac_[devID] tsl [0|32|64|128] Set Transfer Size limit (TSL)


Basic GRDMAC Custom Configurations:

Use this link if problems with youtube above

Debugging GRDMAC using DMON

Use this link if problems with youtube above

Sample script:

write DLRAM_0_START 0x0              // Set Flag to 0
write 0x40000300 0x0 0x400           // Clear memory
write 0x30000004 0xcafebabe 0x400    // Set Data to be transferred
grdmac_0 core reset                  // Reset Core
grdmac_0 load config.xml             // Load GRDMAC and Descriptors configurations. Copy content of this file and save as config.xml 
grdmac_0 core  en                    // Start the core
write DLRAM_0_START 0x1              // Set Flag to 1 to trigger data descriptor
grdmac_0 sdata 0x40000120            // Output transferred data

IO Switch Matrix

The I/O switch matrix provides access to several I/O units. When an interface is not activated, its pins automatically become general purpose I/O. After reset, all I/O switch matrix pins are defined as inputs until programmed otherwise.

Configuration and assigning of functions to external I/O is flexible and is controlled by software via a set of registers.

DMON loads in configuration file iomx.config which located in DMON installation directory C:\Program Files (x86)\DMON\Local

User can modify all those configurations or create new custom that will be loaded when DMON starts.

Then, configuration can be applied using "iomx set name" command when DMON started or "-iomx set name" switch command at DMON initialization.

User can autocomplete configuration names using tab after "iomx set" or display all configurations starting with some combination of letters.

Command Description
iomx set [configName configName ...] Set IOMX configurations for Device or Array of Devices
-iomx set [configName configName ...] Switch to set IOMX configurations for Device or Array of Devices, when DMON starts
iomx setpin [gpioN][val] Set IOMX GPIO pin to value
iomx show <all|configName> Display all available IOMX configurations or Search by prefix
iomx validate Validate IOMX configurations

iomx validate sample output:

DMON > iomx validate
GPIO[00]  mem_addr_0
GPIO[01]  mem_addr_1
GPIO[02]  mem_addr_2
GPIO[03]  mem_addr_3
GPIO[04]  mem_addr_4
GPIO[05]  mem_addr_5
GPIO[06]  mem_addr_6
GPIO[07]  mem_addr_7
GPIO[08]  mem_addr_8
GPIO[09]  mem_addr_9
GPIO[10]  mem_addr_10
GPIO[11]  mem_addr_11
GPIO[12]  mem_addr_12
GPIO[13]  mem_addr_13
GPIO[14]  mem_addr_14
GPIO[15]  mem_addr_15
GPIO[16]  mem_addr_16
GPIO[17]  mem_addr_17
GPIO[18]  mem_addr_18
GPIO[19]  ram_csn_0
GPIO[20]  gpio 20
GPIO[21]  gpio 21
GPIO[22]  gpio 22
GPIO[23]  gpio 23
GPIO[24]  gpio 24
GPIO[25]  mem_data_0
GPIO[26]  mem_data_1
GPIO[27]  mem_data_2
GPIO[28]  mem_data_3
GPIO[29]  mem_data_4
GPIO[30]  mem_data_5
GPIO[31]  mem_data_6
GPIO[32]  mem_data_7
GPIO[33]  mem_oen
GPIO[34]  mem_wrn
GPIO[35]  gpio 35
GPIO[36]  gpio 36
GPIO[37]  gpio 37
GPIO[38]  gpio 38
GPIO[39]  gpio 39
GPIO[40]  gpio 40
GPIO[41]  gpio 41
GPIO[42]  gpio 42
GPIO[43]  gpio 43
GPIO[44]  gpio 44
GPIO[45]  gpio 45
GPIO[46]  gpio 46
GPIO[47]  gpio 47
GPIO[48]  gpio 48
GPIO[49]  mem_addr_19
GPIO[50]  mem_addr_20
GPIO[51]  gpio 51 
GPIO[52]  gpio 52 
GPIO[53]  gpio 53 
GPIO[54]  gpio 54 
GPIO[55]  gpio 55
GPIO[56]  gpio 56
GPIO[57]  gpio 57
GPIO[58]  gpio 58
GPIO[59]  gpio 59
GPIO[60]  gpio 60
GPIO[61]  gpio 61
GPIO[62]  gpio 62
GPIO[63]  gpio 63

iomx validate sample output with duplicated pin configurations:

DMON > iomx validate
GPIO[00]  mem_addr_0
GPIO[01]  mem_addr_1
GPIO[02]  mem_addr_2
GPIO[03]  mem_addr_3
GPIO[04]  mem_addr_4
GPIO[05]  mem_addr_5
GPIO[06]  mem_addr_6
GPIO[07]  mem_addr_7
GPIO[08]  mem_addr_8
GPIO[09]  mem_addr_9
GPIO[10]  mem_addr_10
GPIO[11]  mem_addr_11
GPIO[12]  mem_addr_12
GPIO[13]  can_tx_0
GPIO[14]  can_rx_0
GPIO[15]  can_en_0
GPIO[16]  mem_addr_16
GPIO[17]  mem_addr_17
GPIO[18]  mem_addr_18
GPIO[19]  ram_csn_0
GPIO[20]  gpio 20
GPIO[21]  gpio 21
GPIO[22]  gpio 22
GPIO[23]  gpio 23
GPIO[24]  gpio 24
GPIO[25]  mem_data_0
GPIO[26]  mem_data_1
GPIO[27]  mem_data_2
GPIO[28]  mem_data_3
GPIO[29]  mem_data_4
GPIO[30]  mem_data_5
GPIO[31]  mem_data_6
GPIO[32]  mem_data_7
GPIO[33]  mem_oen
GPIO[34]  mem_wrn
GPIO[35]  gpio 35
GPIO[36]  gpio 36
GPIO[37]  can_tx_0 Already mapped
GPIO[38]  can_rx_0 Already mapped
GPIO[39]  can_en_0 Already mapped
GPIO[40]  gpio 40
GPIO[41]  gpio 41
GPIO[42]  gpio 42
GPIO[43]  gpio 43
GPIO[44]  gpio 44
GPIO[45]  gpio 45
GPIO[46]  gpio 46
GPIO[47]  gpio 47
GPIO[48]  gpio 48
GPIO[49]  mem_addr_19
GPIO[50]  mem_addr_20
GPIO[51]  gpio 51
GPIO[52]  gpio 52
GPIO[53]  gpio 53
GPIO[54]  gpio 54
GPIO[55]  gpio 55
GPIO[56]  gpio 56
GPIO[57]  gpio 57
GPIO[58]  gpio 58
GPIO[59]  gpio 59
GPIO[60]  gpio 60
GPIO[61]  gpio 61
GPIO[62]  gpio 62
GPIO[63]  gpio 63

Memory Protection

The GR716 microcontroller has 2 separate AMBA memory protection units (MEMPROT). The MEMPROT units have the capability to detect and protect memory areas from write accesses. The first memory protection unit (MEMPROT0) is connected to Main AHB bus and the second memory protection unit (MEMPROT1) is connected to the DMA AMBA bus. Each memory protection unit has a unique address for configuration and status. The control and status registers for the memory protection units are located on APB bus in the address range 0x80005000 to 0x80005FFF 0x8010A000 to 0x8010AFFF.

DMON provides the commands below to configure memory protection.

Command Description
mprot reg Show GRMEMPRO registers
mprot set [n][saddr][eaddr][none|all|g0-g15..] Protect area [seg num][s address][e address][none|all or array of g0-g15]

Memory Protection Device View

Memory Protection Device View

Memory Protection Device View (enabled)

Memory Protection Device Enabled

Clock Gating options

The GR716 microcontroller have 2 separate clock gating units. Each clock gating unit will control its own clock domains and have a unique AMBA address.

The clock gating units provide a means to save power by disabling the clock to unused functional blocks. These cores provide a mechanism to automatically disable the clock to LEON processors in power-down mode, and optionally also to disable the clock for shared floating-point units. The cores also provide a mechanism to reset, enable clock and disable clocks for most functional blocks.

Command Description
grcg [enable|disable][all|bit..bitN] Enable|Disable all, single bit or array of bits for GRCLKGATE_0
-grcg [enable|disable][all|bit..bitN] Switch to Enable|Disable all, single bit or array of bits for GRCLKGATE_0 or -grcg_1 for GRCLKGATE_1, at DMON start up
grcg reg Show register values for GRCLKGATE_0








The table below is a summary of commands specific to the GR716.

Command Description
breakrexs [addr]<cpuID> Force to set REX Software break point. breaks command will scan if address is in REX block and set REX software break point
coderex [addr]<length> <force> Disassemble REX instructions in memory. DMON will detect if address is in REX block and disassemble as REX. Force switch will bypass detection and disassemble as REX instruction
dlram edac [enable|disable] Enable|Disable EDAC
dlram scrub [enable|disable] Enable|Disable Scruber
gpio pulse status Show Pulse register for GRGPIO
gradcdac config Display status information for the GRADCDAC core
grcan [enable|disable] Enable|Disable the GRCAN receiver
grcan reset Resets the GRCAN receiver
grcan status Show register values for GRCAN
grcan_1 [enable|disable] Enable|Disable the GRCAN receiver
grcan_1 reset Resets the GRCAN receiver
grcan_1 status Show register values for GRCAN
grcg [enable|disable][all|bit..bitN] Enable|Disable all, single bit or array of bits for GRCLKGATE_0
grcg reg Show register values for GRCLKGATE_0
grcg_1 [enable|disable][all|bit..bitN] Enable|Disable all, single bit or array of bits for GRCLKGATE_1
grcg_1 reg Show register values for GRCLKGATE_1
grdmac_[devID] b2m add [data|cond|econd] ch[N][addr] Create B2M data|conditional|extended conditional descriptors at address for Channel
grdmac_[devID] b2m remove [data|cond|econd] ch[N] [addr] Remove B2M descriptor at address for Channel
grdmac_[devID] core [en|dis] Enable(Run) or Disable(Stop) GRDMAC Core
grdmac_[devID] core reset Reset GRDMAC Core to default values
grdmac_[devID] ctrl ie [en|dis] Global Interrupt Enable or Disable
grdmac_[devID] ctrl iee [en|dis] Interrupt Enable or Disable for Errors
grdmac_[devID] ctrl me [en|dis] Extended Mode Enable or Disable
grdmac_[devID] ctrl ns [en|dis] No Starve Mode Enable or Disable
grdmac_[devID] ctrl sm [en|dis] Simplified mode Enable or Disable
grdmac_[devID] ctrl te [en|dis] Timer Enable or Disable
grdmac_[devID] ech [en|dis][all|ch# ch#+1] Set Channel/Channels/All Channels Enabled/Disabled
grdmac_[devID] ech [en|dis][ch#-ch#+n] Set Channel Enabled or Disabled for Range of Channels
grdmac_[devID] eirq [en|dis] Set Interrupt enable for Errors (IEE)
grdmac_[devID] error reset Reset Error Register
grdmac_[devID] irq [en|dis] Set GRDMAC Global Interrupt Enable or Disable (IE)
grdmac_[devID] irq [en|dis][all|ch# ch#+1] Set Interrupt Mask for Channel/Channels/All Channels and Enable Global IRQ
grdmac_[devID] irq [en|dis][ch#-ch#+n] Set Interrupt Mask for Range of Channels and Enable Global IRQ
grdmac_[devID] irq reset Reset Interrupt Flag Register for all channels
grdmac_[devID] load [file] Load GRDMAC configurations from XML file
grdmac_[devID] m2b add [data|cond|econd] ch[N] [addr] Create M2B data|conditional|extended conditional descriptors at address for Channel
grdmac_[devID] m2b remove [data|cond|econd] ch[N] [addr] Remove M2B descriptor at address for Channel
grdmac_[devID] save [file] Save GRDMAC configuration to XML file
grdmac_[devID] sbufdata Display Internal Buffer Readout Area
grdmac_[devID] scan Scan M2B and B2M descriptor linked lists using Channel Vector Pointer
grdmac_[devID] sdata [addr] Print DMA data after successful B2M Descriptor at address
grdmac_[devID] set cvp [value] Set Channel Vector Pointer (CVP)
grdmac_[devID] set trv [value] Set Timer Reset Value (TIMER_RST)
grdmac_[devID] status [offset] Display GRDMAC core status of All registers or at offset (i.e.0x04) to the screen
grdmac_[devID] tsl [0|32|64|128] Set Transfer Size limit (TSL)
grpwm <dev#> enable|disable Enable or Disable the GRPWM core
grpwm <dev#> status Display status information for the GRPWM core
grpwrx [enable|disable] Enable|Disable the GRPWRX reciever
grpwrx dma [enable|disable] GRPWRX dma Enable|Disable
grpwrx reset Resets the GRPWRX reciever
grpwrx status Show register values for GRPWRX
grpwtx [enable|disable] Enable|Disable the GRPWTX reciever
grpwtx dma [enable|disable] GRPWTX DMA Enable|Disable
grpwtx reset Resets the GRPWTX Transmitter
grpwtx status Show register values for GRPWTX
i2c2ahb enable|disable Enable or Disable the I2C2AHB core
i2c2ahb irq enable|disable Display status information for the I2C2AHB core
i2c2ahb status Display status information for the I2C2AHB core
ilram edac [enable|disable] Enable|Disable EDAC
ilram scrub [enable|disable] Enable|Disable Scruber
iomx set [configName configName ...] Set IOMX configurations for Device or Array of Devices
iomx setpin [gpioN][val] Set IOMX GPIO pin to value
iomx show <all|configName> Display all available IOMX configurations or Search by prefix
iomx validate Validate IOMX configurations
mprot reg Show GRMEMPRO registers
mprot set [n][saddr][eaddr][none|all|g0-g15..] Protect area [seg num][s address][e address][none|all or array of g0-g15]
rex [en|ill|tr]<cpuID> Sets the REX mode(enable|illegal|transparent) for active cpu or cpuID if provided
spi2ahb enable|disable Enable or Disable the SPI2AHB core
spi2ahb irq enable|disable Enable or disable interrupts for SPI2AHB core
spi2ahb status Display status information for the SPI2AHB core
spislave status Show registers values for SPI4SPACE
spislave reset Reset SPI4SPACE device
spim edac <enabled|disable> Enable or Disable EDAC in SPIMCTRL
spwtdp status Display status information for the SPWTDP core

PROM Builder

DMON PROM Builder Introduction

DMON Prom Builder can be used to configure basic prom settings, create prom file and use DMON commands to load to the target flash. This feature is available in DMON version.

Prom Builder Features:

  • Save configurations to the property file
  • Load saved configurations
  • DMON is displaying current target memory settings for mkprom2 memory switches
  • Easy to set basic prom configurations
  • Prom Builder is creating make file, which can be examined and used on its own through DMON "buildprom" command or called directly from CLI with make utility
  • Prom Builder is calling DMON flash commands after prom file was created to erase flash, check if blank, load prom file to target flash and start program on the board

DMON provides two prom configuration files for E698PM. They located in DMON install directory at DMON\Files\PROM_PM_CONFIG initially and copied to DMON user folder C:\Users\UserName\DMON\PromConfig when Prom Builder is started for the first time. file has configurations that can be used to produce prom file to use RAM only as it does not initialize DDR2 RAM. file has configurations to produce prom file to use DDR2 RAM on E698PM. Sample bdinit.c file is located in DMON\Files\PROM_PM_CONFIG directory. This file has to be compiled and put in the same directory where make file will be stored. bdinit.c can be copied from bdinit.c too.

Please follow the tutorials below. The sample program for E698PM used in tutorials can be found here.

DMON Prom Builder can be called from DMON menu => Tasks => Prom Builder.

DMON Prom Builder Main View:


DMON Prom Builder Memory View:


DMON Prom Builder Advanced View:


DMON Commands

Command Description
buildprom <cmderase,cmdblank,cmdload,cmdrun> mkf Create prom by calling mkf in make utility. Pass flash commands as parameters. buildprom cmderase cmdload cmdrun my_make_file

DMON PROM Builder Tutorials

Creating sample prom file using RAM only:

Use this link if problems with youtube above

Creating prom file to be used with DDR2 RAM:

Use this link if problems with youtube above

Building PROM file using make:

Use this link if problems with youtube above

Creating prom file calling directly mkprom2 from CLI:

Use this link if problems with youtube above