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     PreemptMax                    :: 0x00000000 (0)
     PreemptMax                    :: 0x00000000 (0)

=== oceos status <rq|dpq|spq|tapq> ===
=== oceos status <rq|dpq|spq|tapq> ===

Revision as of 00:57, 17 December 2020


DMON OCEOS Support is available from DMON v2.1.0.1

All available commands to support OCEOS can be displayed by issuing :

DMON > help oceos

DMON Commands

oceos info

oceos info command displays OCEOS configurations. DMON finds symbol sysMetaPtr and reads all the fields and displays every struct members with location in memory and its values.

Please read article on getting started with OCEOS.

This command can be used only after the scheduling was started. On the page above we talk about three areas that application hast to set up : LOG_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE_U32S, FIXED_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE_U32S and DYN_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE_U32S. User has to calculate those areas and that depends on application needs. To simplify, we provide Excel document which can be used to give all the sizes, or user can put those sizes bigger as needed and use oceoos info command to display actual sizes.

Each of those areas is guarded by sentinel, so oceos info command checks the sentinels are still in place and not overridden.

DMON > oceos info
Struct Field Name : *system_log_ptr                :: location 0x40016444 :: pointer 0x4001A0E0 :: size 0x109 :: sentinel OK
Struct Field Name : *data_fixed_ptr                :: location 0x40016448 :: pointer 0x4001643C :: size 0x59 :: sentinel OK
Struct Field Name : *data_dynamic_ptr              :: location 0x4001644C :: pointer 0x400180E0 :: size 0x258 :: sentinel OK
Struct Field Name : *system_stack_ptr              :: location 0x40016450 :: pointer 0x0
Struct Field Name : *system_stack_limit_ptr        :: location 0x40016454 :: pointer 0x0
Struct Field Name : *logFullFunction               :: location 0x40016458 :: pointer 0x40000458
Struct Field Name : *systemProblemFunction         :: location 0x4001645C :: pointer 0x40000440
Struct Field Name : numberOfTasks                  :: location 0x40016460 :: value 0x8
Struct Field Name : numberOfMutexes                :: location 0x40016460 :: value 0x1
Struct Field Name : number_of_semaphores           :: location 0x40016460 :: value 0x1
Struct Field Name : number_of_dataqs               :: location 0x40016460 :: value 0x1
Struct Field Name : timed_actions_number           :: location 0x40016464 :: value 0x16
Struct Field Name : user_traps_number              :: location 0x40016464 :: value 0x0
Struct Field Name : watchdog_window                :: location 0x40016464 :: value 0x0
Struct Field Name : watchdog_timeout               :: location 0x40016468 :: value 0x0
Struct Field Name : totalReadyQ                    :: location 0x4001646C :: value 0x11
Struct Field Name : action_time_interrupt          :: location 0x4001646C :: value 0xE
Struct Field Name :                                :: location 0x4001646C :: value 0x2E
Struct Field Name : logEntries                     :: location 0x4001646C :: value 0x40
Struct Field Name : totalJobs                      :: location 0x40016470 :: value 0x3E
Struct Field Name : logCreated                     :: location 0x40016470 :: value 0x1
Struct Field Name : init_start_set_up              :: location 0x40016470 :: value 0x1
Struct Field Name : init_finished                  :: location 0x40016470 :: value 0x1
Struct Field Name : interrupt_nesting_enabled      :: location 0x40016470 :: value 0x1
Struct Field Name : total_sem_pending_jobs         :: location 0x40016470 :: value 0x10
Struct Field Name : total_dataQ_pending_jobs       :: location 0x40016474 :: value 0x6
Struct Field Name : total_dataQ_entries            :: location 0x40016474 :: value 0xA
Struct Field Name :                                :: location 0x40016478 :: value 0x1
Struct Field Name : watchdog_timer_index           :: location 0x40016478 :: value 0x0
Struct Field Name : sys_time_timer_index           :: location 0x40016478 :: value 0x2
Struct Field Name : timed_actions_timer_index      :: location 0x40016478 :: value 0x3
Struct Field Name : CS_log_entries_base2           :: location 0x40016478 :: value 0x5
Struct Field Name :                                :: location 0x40016478 :: value 0xBABE
Struct Field Name : *tasksFixedPtr                 :: location 0x4001647C :: pointer 0x400164CC
Struct Field Name : *mutexCeilingsPtr              :: location 0x40016480 :: pointer 0x4001658C
Struct Field Name : *sem_fixed_data_ptr            :: location 0x40016484 :: pointer 0x40016590
Struct Field Name : *dataq_fixed_data_ptr          :: location 0x40016488 :: pointer 0x40016594
Struct Field Name : *trap_ID_ptr                   :: location 0x4001648C :: pointer 0x40016598
Struct Field Name : *trap_handler_ptr              :: location 0x40016490 :: pointer 0x40016598
Struct Field Name : *fixed_data_checksum_ptr       :: location 0x40016494 :: pointer 0x40016598
Struct Field Name : *dynamic_meta_ptr              :: location 0x40016498 :: pointer 0x400180E8
Struct Field Name : *priorityStackPtr              :: location 0x4001649C :: pointer 0x400180EC
Struct Field Name : *taskDynamicPtr                :: location 0x400164A0 :: pointer 0x400180F8
Struct Field Name : *jobsArrayPtr                  :: location 0x400164A4 :: pointer 0x40018278
Struct Field Name : *readyQPtr                     :: location 0x400164A8 :: pointer 0x400189F8
Struct Field Name : *mutexDynamicPtr               :: location 0x400164AC :: pointer 0x40018658
Struct Field Name : *semaphore_list_ptr            :: location 0x400164B0 :: pointer 0x4001865C
Struct Field Name : *semaphore_pen_q_array_ptr     :: location 0x400164B4 :: pointer 0x40018664
Struct Field Name : *dataq_list_ptr                :: location 0x400164B8 :: pointer 0x40018684
Struct Field Name : *dataq_pen_q_array_ptr         :: location 0x400164BC :: pointer 0x40018694
Struct Field Name : *dataq_data_aray_ptr           :: location 0x400164C0 :: pointer 0x400186A0
Struct Field Name : *timed_action_ptr              :: location 0x400164C4 :: pointer 0x400186C8
Struct Field Name : *timed_q_ptr                   :: location 0x400164C8 :: pointer 0x400189E0

oceos log <last|all>

oceos log reads and displays system log messages to the console. If third flag is not set, defaults to oceos log last. This command also checks if log sentinel is ok.

oceos log last prints last system log message

DMON > oceos log
Struct Field Name : *system_log_ptr                :: location 0x4001009C :: pointer 0x4001063C :: size 0xA9 :: sentinel OK
OCEOS log entry :
index ::    2 | time32 :: 25.149 954 | type :: LOG_DEADLINE_MISSED                      | comment :: 0x1 

oceos log all prints all system log messages in descending order.

DMON > oceos log all
Struct Field Name : *system_log_ptr                :: location 0x4001009C :: pointer 0x4001063C :: size 0xA9 :: sentinel OK
OCEOS log entries :
index ::    0 | time32 :: 21.806 433 | type :: null                                     | comment :: 0xCAF1 
index ::   15 | time32 :: 21.101 377 | type :: LOG_DEADLINE_MISSED                      | comment :: 0x1 
index ::   14 | time32 :: 21.066 108 | type :: LOG_SYS_OK                               | comment :: 0xCAFE 
index ::   13 | time32 :: 17.757 858 | type :: null                                     | comment :: 0xCAF1 
index ::   12 | time32 :: 17.052 800 | type :: LOG_DEADLINE_MISSED                      | comment :: 0x1 
index ::   11 | time32 :: 17.017 531 | type :: LOG_SYS_OK                               | comment :: 0xCAFE 
index ::   10 | time32 :: 13.709 280 | type :: null                                     | comment :: 0xCAF1 
index ::    9 | time32 :: 13.004 223 | type :: LOG_DEADLINE_MISSED                      | comment :: 0x1 
index ::    8 | time32 :: 12.968 954 | type :: LOG_SYS_OK                               | comment :: 0xCAFE 
index ::    7 | time32 :: 09.660 703 | type :: null                                     | comment :: 0xCAF1 
index ::    6 | time32 :: 08.955 648 | type :: LOG_DEADLINE_MISSED                      | comment :: 0x1 
index ::    5 | time32 :: 08.920 378 | type :: LOG_SYS_OK                               | comment :: 0xCAFE 
index ::    4 | time32 :: 05.612 184 | type :: null                                     | comment :: 0xCAF1 
index ::    3 | time32 :: 04.907 118 | type :: LOG_DEADLINE_MISSED                      | comment :: 0x1 
index ::    2 | time32 :: 04.871 844 | type :: LOG_SYS_OK                               | comment :: 0xCAFE 
index ::    1 | time32 :: 00.823 133 | type :: null                                     | comment :: 0xCAF1

oceos state

oceos state command prints to the console system state variables. OCEOS has two state variables : one permanent and cannot be reset and another can be reset by application.

DMON reads the state variables and prints description to the console.

DMON > oceos state
Struct Field Name : *system_log_ptr                :: location 0x4001009C :: pointer 0x4001063C :: size 0xA9 :: sentinel OK
State Value           :: 0x40
0x00000040 STATUS_JOB_OVER_TIME        Job time from creation to completion exceeds allowed maximum for a task.    
OCEOS Permanent Value :: 0x40
0x00000040 STATUS_JOB_OVER_TIME        Job time from creation to completion exceeds allowed maximum for a task.

oceos itask <taskId|all>

oceos itask displays fixed task information and dynamic task information to the console. This command can be executed while program is running.

oceos itask taskId displays information for task with specified ID.

DMON > oceos itask 1
Task 1 :: Fixed Data Pointer 0x4001013C Dynamic Data Pointer 0x400103B0
 Task Fixed Data:
    Task Priority                  :: 0x00000002 (2)
    Task Threshold                 :: 0x00000002 (2)
    Task Max Jobs                  :: 0x00000001 (1)
    Task Start Status              :: enabled 
    Task Start Address             :: 0x40000DFC (cpuLoadTest:fun1) 
    Task Kill Function Address     :: 0x40000DFC (cpuLoadTest:fun1)
    Task Deadline time             :: 0x0000000F (00.000 015)
    Task Min Time Between Starts   :: 0x0000000A (00.000 010)
  Task Dynamic Data:
    Task Status                    :: TASK_ENABLED 
    Current Number of Jobs         :: 0x00000000 (0)
    Max Number of current Jobs     :: 0x00000001 (1)
    Number of times started        :: 0x00000009 (9)
    TimeCurrentExec                :: 0x000089C7 (00.035 271)
    TimeMaxDelay                   :: 0x00000049 (00.000 073)
    TimeMaxFinish                  :: 0x00008A15 (00.035 349)
    TimeMaxExec                    :: 0x000089CC (00.035 276)
    TimeTotalExecLow               :: 0x0004D802 (00.317 442)
    TimeTotalExecHigh              :: 0x00000000 (00.000 000)
    TimeMinGapStarts               :: 0x003DC6A6 (04.048 550)
    TimeMinGapFinishStart          :: 0x003D3C91 (04.013 201)
    TimeLastStart                  :: 0x023B95B1 (37.459 377)
    TimeLastFinish                 :: 0x023C1FB1 (37.494 705)
    PreemptMax                     :: 0x00000000 (0)

oceos itask all displays information for all tasks.

DMON > oceos itask all
Task 0 :: Fixed Data Pointer 0x40010124 Dynamic Data Pointer 0x40010380
 Task Fixed Data:
    Task Priority                  :: 0x000000FE (254)
    Task Threshold                 :: 0x000000FE (254)
    Task Max Jobs                  :: 0x00000001 (1)
    Task Start Status              :: enabled 
    Task Start Address             :: 0x40000CE4 (cpuLoadTest:fun0) 
    Task Kill Function Address     :: 0x40000CE4 (cpuLoadTest:fun0)
    Task Deadline time             :: 0x00000000 (00.000 000)
    Task Min Time Between Starts   :: 0x00000000 (00.000 000)
  Task Dynamic Data:
    Task Status                    :: TASK_ENABLED 
    Current Number of Jobs         :: 0x00000001 (1)
    Max Number of current Jobs     :: 0x00000001 (1)
    Number of times started        :: 0x00000001 (1)
    TimeCurrentExec                :: 0x00D1D5F9 (13.751 801)
    TimeMaxDelay                   :: 0x000000D3 (00.000 211)
    TimeMaxFinish                  :: 0x00000000 (00.000 000)
    TimeMaxExec                    :: 0x00000000 (00.000 000)
    TimeTotalExecLow               :: 0x00000000 (00.000 000)
    TimeTotalExecHigh              :: 0x00000000 (00.000 000)
    TimeMinGapStarts               :: 0xFFFFFFFF (4294.967 295)
    TimeMinGapFinishStart          :: 0xFFFFFFFF (4294.967 295)
    TimeLastStart                  :: 0x000F9777 (01.021 815)
    TimeLastFinish                 :: 0x00000000 (00.000 000)
    PreemptMax                     :: 0x00000000 (0)
Task 9 :: Fixed Data Pointer 0x400101FC Dynamic Data Pointer 0x40010530
 Task Fixed Data:
    Task Priority                  :: 0x00000004 (4)
    Task Threshold                 :: 0x00000004 (4)
    Task Max Jobs                  :: 0x00000001 (1)
    Task Start Status              :: enabled 
    Task Start Address             :: 0x40001160 (cpuLoadTest:fun9) 
    Task Kill Function Address     :: 0x00000000 ()
    Task Deadline time             :: 0x000CB3A1 (00.832 417)
    Task Min Time Between Starts   :: 0x003DC6B3 (04.048 563)
  Task Dynamic Data:
    Task Status                    :: TASK_ENABLED 
    Current Number of Jobs         :: 0x00000001 (1)
    Max Number of current Jobs     :: 0x00000001 (1)
    Number of times started        :: 0x0000000A (10)
    TimeCurrentExec                :: 0x00000000 (00.000 000)
    TimeMaxDelay                   :: 0x0000004D (00.000 077)
    TimeMaxFinish                  :: 0x000A7749 (00.685 897)
    TimeMaxExec                    :: 0x000A76FC (00.685 820)
    TimeTotalExecLow               :: 0x005E2E2E (06.172 206)
    TimeTotalExecHigh              :: 0x00000000 (00.000 000)
    TimeMinGapStarts               :: 0x003DC688 (04.048 520)
    TimeMinGapFinishStart          :: 0x00334F66 (03.362 662)
    TimeLastStart                  :: 0x0246E1E5 (38.199 781)
    TimeLastFinish                 :: 0x02139242 (34.837 058)
    PreemptMax                     :: 0x00000000 (0)

oceos status <rq|dpq|spq|tapq>

oceos cpuload <status|enable|disable>

oceos profile <status|enable|disable>

oceos profile save <fileName>