OCEOS Tutorials
This section presents some typical real-time tasks and how they can be addressed using OCEOS.
Getting started
Section 9.5 provides guidance on how to structure an OCEOS application. The file asw.c provided with OCEOS is a simple example.
The directives to initialise and start OCEOS are:
- application_init – Initialise fixed data and start system timer(s)
- oceos_task_create - Create task setting priority, no of jobs, ..etc.
- oceos_init_finish – Initilise dynamic data area
- oceos_start – Start the scheduler and pass control to first task
After steps 1 to 4 above tasks implement application functionality. If mutexes, semaphores, or dataqs are required they are also created at step 2.
Note: it is mandatory to create the number of mutexes, semaphores, and dataqs declared otherwise oceos_init_finish() will return an error.
Tutorial 1 – Starting tasks
This exercise demonstrates starting tasks with different priorities.
- Two tasks, one higher priority (i.e. lower priority value), one lower priority (i.e. higher priority value. Each task allowed to have up to two concurrent jobs.
- Each task outputs a message when it starts, another message when it exits.
- Start OCEOS with the low priority task.
- This starts the high priority task and then exits.
- The high priority task starts the low priority tasks and exits.
For code example see below.
1 /*
2 *********************************************************************************************************
4 * Real-Time Operating System
5 * for
6 * ARM Microcontroller
7 *
8 * Example implementation of OCEOS
9 *
10 *
11 * (c) Copyright 2021, O.C.E. Technology
12 * All Rights Reserved
13 *
14 *
15 * Author: jfk
16 ********************************************************************************************************
17 */
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include "tut1.h" // application header
21 #include "oceos_config.h" // OCEOS header
23 int main(void) {
24 int status;
26 /*
27 * Initialise the application configuration and OCEOS
28 *
29 * This application function creates the application configuration
30 * and passes it to oceos_init(), which initialises the fixed data
31 * and enables the system log
32 */
33 if (!application_init()) {
34 //LOG
35 return -1;
36 }
38 // Create Main task to
39 if (oceos_task_create(t_0,// taskID, used as index, must be in range 0 to 254
40 100,// priority, must be in range 1 to 254, lower value is higher priority
41 100, // threshold, must be in range 1 to task priority
42 2, // jobs_max, must be in range 1 to 15
43 0,// FALSE -> floating point hardware not used by task
44 1, // FALSE -> task initially not enabled
45 fun0, // main body of task
46 nullFun, // task end function
47 0,// time_deadline, must finish no later than this after start, 0 => ignore
48 0 // minimum time expected between start requests, 0 => no restriction
50 return 1;
52 if (oceos_task_create(t_1, 200, 200, 2, 0, 1, fun1, nullFun, 0, 0)
54 return 2;
56 /*
57 * Finish initialising OCEOS and setting up the fixed data
58 */
59 status = oceos_init_finish();
60 if (SUCCESSFUL != status) {
61 return 3;
62 } // if
64 /*
65 * Start OCEOS scheduling
66 *
67 * The OCEOS fixed data provides all the information required.
68 *
69 * If a valid task is specified, it is started and passed the pointer.
70 * Otherwise the system is put in sleep mode
71 */
72 status = oceos_start(fixed_data, t_1, (void*) nullPtr); // Start OCEOS with lower prioroty task
73 return status;
74 } // main
76 /*
77 * Application code functions, functions declared in asw.h
78 */
79 void fun0(void *ptr) {
80 printf("Entered high priority task\n");
81 oceos_task_start(t_1, ptr);
82 printf("Leaving high priority task\n");
83 return;
84 } // fun0()
86 void fun1(void *ptr) {
87 printf("Entered low priority task\n");
88 oceos_task_start(t_0, ptr);
89 printf("Leaving low priority task\n");
90 return;
91 } // fun1()
Tutorial 2 – Using a mutex
This exercise will familiarise the developer with the use a mutexes.
- Two tasks as before.
- One mutex. Note the priority ceiling of the mutex..
- Both tasks output message when they get the mutex and when they return it
- Start OCEOS with the low priority task
- This grabs mutex, then starts high priority task
- Low priority task returns mutex then exits
- High priority task returns mutex, start low priority task and exits
For code example see example below:
1 /*
2 *********************************************************************************************************
4 * Real-Time Operating System
5 * for
6 * ARM Microcontroller
7 *
8 * Example implementation of OCEOS
9 *
10 *
11 * (c) Copyright 2021, O.C.E. Technology
12 * All Rights Reserved
13 *
14 *
15 * Author: jfk
16 ********************************************************************************************************
17 */
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include "tut2.h" // application header
22 /* N.B. Application header is included first */
23 #include "oceos_config.h" // OCEOS header for this application
24 #include "mutex.h"
26 int main(void) {
27 int status;
29 /*
30 * Initialise the application configuration and OCEOS
31 *
32 * This application function creates the application configuration
33 * and passes it to oceos_init(), which initialises the fixed data
34 * and enables the system log
35 */
36 if (!application_init()) {
37 //LOG
38 return -1;
39 }
41 // Create Main task to
42 if (oceos_task_create(t_0,// taskID, used as index, must be in range 0 to 254
43 100,// priority, must be in range 1 to 254, lower value is higher priority
44 100, // threshold, must be in range 1 to task priority
45 2, // jobs_max, must be in range 1 to 15
46 0,// FALSE -> floating point hardware not used by task
47 1, // FALSE -> task initially not enabled
48 fun0, // main body of task
49 nullFun, // task end function
50 0,// time_deadline, must finish no later than this after start, 0 => ignore
51 0 // minimum time expected between start requests, 0 => no restriction
53 return 1;
55 if (oceos_task_create(t_1, 200, 200, 2, 0, 1, fun1, nullFun, 0, 0)
57 return 2;
59 if (oceos_mutex_create(m_0, 100) != SUCCESSFUL) // Create mutex with ceiling of highest priority task using it
60 return 3;
62 /*
63 * Finish initialising OCEOS and setting up the fixed data
64 */
65 status = oceos_init_finish();
66 if (SUCCESSFUL != status) {
67 return 4;
68 } // if
70 /*
71 * Start OCEOS scheduling
72 *
73 * The OCEOS fixed data provides all the information required.
74 *
75 * If a valid task is specified, it is started and passed the pointer.
76 * Otherwise the system is put in sleep mode
77 */
78 status = oceos_start(fixed_data, t_1, (void*) nullPtr); // Start OCEOS with lower prioroty task
79 return status;
80 } // main
82 /*
83 * Application code functions, functions declared in asw.h
84 */
85 void fun0(void *ptr) {
86 if (oceos_mutex_wait(m_0) != SUCCESSFUL) {
87 printf("Error from high priority task getting mutex\n");
88 } else {
89 printf("high priority task got mutex\n");
90 }
91 oceos_task_start(t_1, ptr); // Start lower priority task
93 if (oceos_mutex_signal(m_0) != SUCCESSFUL) {
94 printf("Error from high priority task releasing mutex\n");
95 } else {
96 printf("High priority task released mutex\n");
97 }
98 return;
99 } // fun0()
101 void fun1(void *ptr) {
102 if (oceos_mutex_wait(m_0) != SUCCESSFUL) {
103 printf("Error from low priority task getting mutex\n");
104 } else {
105 printf("Low priority task got mutex\n");
106 }
107 oceos_task_start(t_0, ptr); // Start higher priority task
109 if (oceos_mutex_signal(m_0) != SUCCESSFUL) {
110 printf("Error from low priority task releasing mutex\n");
111 } else {
112 printf("Low priority task released mutex\n");
113 }
114 return;
115 } // fun1()
Tutorial 3 – Using Semaphores
Semaphores can be used to synchronise task actions as in this exercise.
- Three tasks this time, one high priority and the other two with the same lower priority
- Two counting semaphores, one initially 0, one initially 4, called ‘items’ and ‘spaces’
- First task starts second and third tasks
- Second task loops
- wait_restart spaces
- signal items
- Output ‘item done’ message
- Third task loops
- wait_restart items
- Output ‘got item’ message
- signal spaces
For code example see below:
1 /*
2 *********************************************************************************************************
4 * Real-Time Operating System
5 * for
6 * GR716 Microcontroller
7 *
8 * User Manual Section 11 Example 3
9 *
10 * (c) Copyright 2020, O.C.E. Technology
11 * All Rights Reserved
12 *
13 * File : tut3.c
14 ********************************************************************************************************
15 */
16 #include "tut3.h" // application header
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
21 /* N.B. Application header is included first */
22 #include "oceos_config.h" // OCEOS header for this application
24 /*
25 * Application specific
26 *
27 */
28 extern U32_t fixed_data[]; // will be in data segment. Should this be in oceos.h
30 int main(void) {
31 int status;
32 /*
33 * Initialise the application configuration and OCEOS
34 *
35 * This application function creates the application configuration
36 * and passes it to oceos_init(), which initialises the fixed data
37 * and enables the system log
38 */
39 if ( !application_init()) {
40 //LOG
41 return -1;
42 }
43 // Create Main task to
44 if ( oceos_task_create(
45 t_0, // taskID, used as index, must be in range 0 to 254
46 10, // priority, must be in range 1 to 254, lower value is higher priority
47 10, // threshold, must be in range 1 to task priority
48 1, // jobs_max, must be in range 1 to 15
49 0, // FALSE -> floating point hardware not used by task
50 1, // FALSE -> task initially not enabled
51 fun0, // main body of task
52 nullFun, // task end function
53 0, // time_deadline, must finish no later than this after start, 0 => ignore
54 0 // minimum time expected between start requests, 0 => no restriction
55 ) != SUCCESSFUL )
56 return 1;
58 if ( oceos_task_create(t_1, 100, 100, 1, 0, 1, fun1, nullFun, 0, 0)!= SUCCESSFUL )
59 return 2;
61 if ( oceos_task_create(t_2, 100, 100, 1, 0, 1, fun2, nullFun, 0, 0)!= SUCCESSFUL )
62 return 3;
64 if ( oceos_sem_create(items, 10, 0, 2, TRUE) != SUCCESSFUL ) // items semaphore with max permits of 10, initial permits of 0, max jobs 2
65 return 4;
67 if ( oceos_sem_create(spaces, 10, 4, 2, TRUE) != SUCCESSFUL ) // spaces semaphore with max permits of 10, initial permits of 4, max jobs 2
68 return 4;
69 /*
70 * Finish initialising OCEOS and setting up the fixed data
71 */
72 status = oceos_init_finish();
73 if(SUCCESSFUL != status){
74 return 6;
75 } // if
76 /*
77 * Start OCEOS scheduling
78 *
79 * The OCEOS fixed data provides all the information required.
80 *
81 * If a valid task is specified, it is started and passed the pointer.
82 * Otherwise the system is put in sleep mode
83 */
84 status = oceos_start(fixed_data, t_0, (void *)nullPtr); // Start OCEOS with task to start other tasks
85 return status;
86 } // main
88 /*
89 * Application code functions, functions declared in asw.h
90 */
91 void fun0(void * ptr){
92 oceos_task_start(t_1,ptr); // Start consumer task
93 oceos_task_start(t_2,ptr); // Start consumer task
94 } // fun0()
96 void fun1(void * ptr){
97 while (1){ // loop forever
98 if (oceos_sem_wait_restart_timeout(items,0) != SUCCESSFUL) {
99 printf ("Error from task t_0 task waiting items\n");
100 }
101 printf ("Got item\n");
102 if (oceos_sem_signal(spaces) != SUCCESSFUL) {
103 printf ("Error from task t_0 signalling spaces\n");
104 }
105 }
106 } // fun0()
108 void fun2(void * ptr){
109 while (1){ // loop forever
110 if (oceos_sem_wait_restart_timeout(spaces,0) != SUCCESSFUL) {
111 printf ("Error from task t_1 task waiting spaces\n");
112 }
113 if (oceos_sem_signal(items) != SUCCESSFUL) {
114 printf ("Error from task t_1 signalling items\n");
115 } else {
116 printf ("Item done\n");
117 }
118 }
119 return;
120 } // fun1()
Tutorial 4 – Timer interrupt starts task
This exercise introduces the use of timer interrupts.
- Create one task
- Set a timer to interrupt every 2 seconds
- Set timer handler to start task
- Task outputs message, then exits
For code example see below:
1 /*
2 *********************************************************************************************************
4 * Real-Time Operating System
5 * for
6 * GR716 Microcontroller
7 *
8 * User Manual Section 11 Example 4
9 *
10 * (c) Copyright 2020, O.C.E. Technology
11 * All Rights Reserved
12 *
13 * File : tut4.c
14 ********************************************************************************************************
15 */
16 #include "tut4.h" // application header
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
21 /* N.B. Application header is included first */
22 #include "oceos_config.h" // OCEOS header for this application
23 #include <bcc/regs/gptimer.h>
25 #include "oceos_interrupt.h"
26 /*
27 * Application specific
28 *
29 */
30 extern U32_t fixed_data[]; // will be in data segment. Should this be in oceos.h
32 struct gptimer_regs *timer_regs = (void *)OCEOS_TA_TIMER_ADDRESS;
33 struct gptimer_timer_regs *task_timer;
34 struct bcc_isr_node node;
36 int main(void) {
37 int status;
38 /*
39 * Initialise the application configuration and OCEOS
40 *
41 * This application function creates the application configuration
42 * and passes it to oceos_init(), which initialises the fixed data
43 * and enables the system log
44 */
45 if ( !application_init()) {
46 //LOG
47 return -1;
48 }
49 // Create Main task to
50 if ( oceos_task_create(
51 t_0, // taskID, used as index, must be in range 0 to 254
52 10, // priority, must be in range 1 to 254, lower value is higher priority
53 10, // threshold, must be in range 1 to task priority
54 1, // jobs_max, must be in range 1 to 15
55 0, // FALSE -> floating point hardware not used by task
56 1, // FALSE -> task initially not enabled
57 fun0, // main body of task
58 nullFun, // task end function
59 0, // time_deadline, must finish no later than this after start, 0 => ignore
60 0 // minimum time expected between start requests, 0 => no restriction
61 ) != SUCCESSFUL )
62 return 1;
64 if ( oceos_task_create(t_1, 100, 100, 1, 0, 1, fun1, nullFun, 0, 0)!= SUCCESSFUL )
65 return 2;
66 /*
67 * Finish initialising OCEOS and setting up the fixed data
68 */
69 status = oceos_init_finish();
70 if(SUCCESSFUL != status){
71 return 3;
72 } // if
73 /*
74 * Start OCEOS scheduling
75 *
76 * The OCEOS fixed data provides all the information required.
77 *
78 * If a valid task is specified, it is started and passed the pointer.
79 * Otherwise the system is put in sleep mode
80 */
81 status = oceos_start(fixed_data, t_0, (void *)nullPtr); // Start OCEOS
82 return status;
83 } // main
85 /*
86 * Application code functions, functions declared in asw.h
87 */
88 void fun0(void * ptr){
89 //set up timer and add handle
90 task_timer = &timer_regs->timer[3];
91 task_timer->ctrl = 0x0;
92 enum DIRECTIVE_STATUS ret = 0;
93 #ifdef TARGET_PM
94 node.source = 9;
95 #endif
96 #ifdef TARGET_GR716
97 node.source = 12;
98 #endif
99 node.handler = start_task;
100 node.arg = ptr;
101 ret = oceos_interrupt_handle_register(&node);
102 if (SUCCESSFUL != ret) {
103 printf("ERROR :: Failed to add ISR handler\n");
104 }
105 #ifdef TARGET_PM
106 bcc_int_unmask(9);
107 #endif
108 #ifdef TARGET_GR716
109 bcc_int_unmask(12);
110 #endif
111 task_timer->reload = 0x2DC6C0; // 3 seconds
112 task_timer->counter = 0x2DC6C0; // 3 seconds
113 task_timer->ctrl = GPTIMER_CTRL_EN | GPTIMER_CTRL_RS | GPTIMER_CTRL_IE; // 0x1 | (1 << 1) | (1 << 3);
115 // The interrupt shoud keep starting t_1 so this task can exit
116 } // fun0()
117 /*
118 * Handler for timer interrupt
119 */
120 void start_task(void *arg, int source){
121 oceos_task_start(t_1,arg);
122 }
124 void fun1(void * ptr){
125 printf ("Task started\n");
126 } // fun1()